Saturday, March 2, 2024

Gideon Gibson History in Question



Gideon Gibson     
The History of Gideon Gibson, recycled the last 250 years, still a very hot topic.  There was no "John Jordan Gibson and Hannah" in his ancestry, no Northumberland England, no proven father or no Martha "O'Connell'' for that matter, no proof his parents were Gideon and Mary Browne. He has been attributed to 1000 to 4000 acres of land on the Pee Dee when there were a number of Gideon Gibsons buying land on the Pee Dee from 1735-1775 - none of the others owned any land?  🙄🤔😏

After researching, collecting everything I could find, for 28 years I have come to the conclusion his history - start - to - finish - is made up.

First - Gideon was son of JOHN JORDAN AND HANNAH GIBSON who came from NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND.

Lancaster County was formed from NORTHAMPTON COUNTY VIRGINIA in 1651. There is NO record of a John Jordan and Hannah. Descendants research in 1870s said his father was 'John or Roger' but Roger had a will and didn't have son Gideon. So they believed John was his father.

 John Gibson 21 Dec 1697  rec 11 Aug 1698

 Lancaster County - Wife DOROTHY  .. If wife does not sell his plantation at ye head of Corotoman neer Mr. Robert Carter's Mill, then after she decease to my Son, John.  Mentions Estate to be divided among Children but no names.  Wif Dorothy Executris

His brother was Jordan, his sister was Hannah. They claim she married a Sanders and came from England. Hannah Gibson, m. George Sanders had a child in 1755 by Malachi Murfee, do the math, she is supposed to be Gideons mother - born in 1695 or 1720? So she was 55 when she had Maurice?

Second - Gideon Gibson had a 'black father' fueled by Jordan and Heinegg, quoting Governor Johnson in 1731. But what he said after he was brought before the HOUSE, not just his questions, but those of others,  he wrote they are not Negroes -Henry Laurens, who also had questions, wrote years later “Gideon had more Red and White in his face than his accusers”.

Third - Gideon - also known as Gibeon - Gibson was the son of Gideon Gibson who was called before Gov Johnson. That was to give him an African ancestry in order to make his descendant GENERAL RANDALL LEE GIBSON of the Civil War and Senate with 'black blood'.

There is not one iota of evidence Gideon/Gibeon Gibson was son of Gideon called before Gov Johnson. His birthdate is totally made up - he had two children born before 1744 and the rest recorded in Prince Frederick Parish, SC. The first recorded was "son of Gideon and Mary - presumably Mary Browne.

But using a favorite 'weasel word' of Paul Heinegg' "SAY" since he died in 1792 he may very well have been the Gideon born 1695 m. Mary Browne 1720 and it was HE called before Gov Johnson?
"SAY" Mary Browne Gibson died in childbirth and Gideon married Martha.  Not Mary Martha. 

"SAY" There was NO TWO Gideons?  The Senior and Junior in 1744 received land based on how many in the family. 

NO ONE has been able to identify TWO GIDEON GIBSONS.       Their lands mesh. Their children mesh. Their history meshes. 

Which one is the REGULATOR.  Most will say Gideon/Gibson who went to Mississippi was the Regulator, yet the REGULATOR was shot dead by his nephew MAURICE MURFEE. In 1870 genealogy Randall Lee and McKinley Gibson identified Jordan as his brother and Hannah who married Malachi Murfee as his siblings.  

Where are the land records of the "Gideon Gibson the REGULATOR who married Mary Browne, where is the estate settlement, where are his sons dividing his property?  Why are there number of newspaper articles about his 'Regulator Activity" in the 1760s but 20 years later no ONE MENTION in newspapers of his nephew shooting him dead?  All hearsay. 

Was Gideon shot dead by his 'nephew Maurice Murfee' OR was it a rumor?  Is it a coincidence Gideon was shot dead in 1781 while Gibeon/Gideon, uncle of Maurice Murfee, and family left the Pee Dee in 1781 and travelled to Mississippi?

I don't have the answers, I'm looking for them.  If anyone has anything to prove any of the above I would very much like to see it.

I have two Facebook Pages if you would like to join.   

Gideon Gibson of Pee Dee

Melungeon-Indian Gibson Family Researchers

Gideon Gibson descendants share Y DNA with the Gibsons who were called Melungeons, their history begins in court records showing Jane Gibson born 1640 was born to a Native American.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Gibsons Virginia to South Carolina

Gibson, Gideon, Unrecorded Plat For Land Not Granted, 250 Acres On Little Charros, Craven County, Surveyed By Robert Moran. Date: 4/12/1736  [The Land Gideon never claimed]
People in this record:
Gibson, Gideon
Also: Moran, Robert
Places in this record:
Craven County; Little Charros
Topics in this record:
Record details:
Date: 4/12/1736
Series: Unrecorded Plats for Land Not Granted (S213197)
Document Type: Plat
Images: Available at SCDAH building or by order. See How to search menu.


Laroche, Stephen Dyer, Plat For 250 Acres In Craven County. Date: 8/1/1770
Click for images
People in this record:
Gibson, Gibeon
Also: Bremar, John; Glourley, Joseph; Laroche, Stephen Dyer; Swint, Dr.; White, William
Places in this record:
Black Creek; Black Swamp; Craven County
Topics in this record:
Record details:
Date: 8/1/1770
Series: Colonial Plat Books (Copy Series) (S213184)
Document Type: Plat
Archives ID: Series: S213197 Box: 0004 Item: 01144 ignore: 000


White, Reuben, Unrecorded Plat For Land Not Granted, 100 Acres On Back Swamp, Craven County, Surveyed By Thomas Powe. Date: 6/1/1772
People in this record:
Gibson, Gibbeon
Also: Karwan, Thomas; Murfee, Malakiah; Powe, Thomas; White, Reuben
Places in this record:
Back Swamp; Craven County
Topics in this record:
Record details:
Date: 6/1/1772
Series: Unrecorded Plats for Land Not Granted (S213197)
Document Type: Plat
Images: Available at SCDAH building or by order. See How to search menu.
Archives ID: Series: S213197 Box: 0004 Item: 01144 ignore: 000


Hitchcock, John, Plat For 151 Acres In Craven County. Date: 6/6/1773
Click for images
People in this record:
Gibson, Gedion
Also: Bremar, John; Harrison, James; Hitchcock, John; Loveless, John; Murphy, James; Salure, Abram; White, Reuben
Places in this record:
Craven County; Pee Dee River
Topics in this record:
Record details:
Date: 6/6/1773

Pendergrass, Darby, Plat For 400 Acres In Craven County. Date: 3/24/1775
Click for images
People in this record:
Gibson, Gieon
Also: Bremar, John; Gibson, Jordan Jr.; Loveless, John; Murphy, Malachi; Pendergrass, Darby; Sanders, James; Sanders, Nathaniel
Places in this record:
Craven County; Pee Dee River
Topics in this record:
Record details:
Date: 3/24/1775
Series: Colonial Plat Books (Copy Series) (S213184)
Document Type: Plat
Images: Online




Queensborough Township was established and first settled by Scots-Irish and Welsh from Pennsylvania and Delaware in 1735. It was located on the west side of the Great Pee Dee River in what are the present-day counties of Florence and Marion. Most of the Welsh ended up living in the adjacent Welsh Tract - also established during the 1730 Township Act - and few remained in the Queensborough Township. Situated on fairly poor soil compared to the Welsh Tract, Queensborough never really took off. The few Scots-Irish that had settled the area simply spread out and drifted away in search of better lands.

King, Elizabeth, Memorial For 250 Acres On Pee Dee River, Queensborough Township. Date: 12/20/1760

People in this record:

Gibson, Gideon; King, Elizabeth; Lamboll, Thomas

Places in this record:

Pee Dee River; Queensboro Township - WELSH TRACT 

Topics in this record:

Record details:

Date: 12/20/1760

Series: Memorial books (Copy Series) (S111001)

Document Type: Memorial

Images: Available at SCDAH building or by order. See How to search menu.


Archives ID: Series: S111001 Volume: 0007 Page: 00337 Item: 002

Smart, John, Lessee Of Gideon Gibson Vs Thomas Long, Casual Ejector, And Ann Atkin, Defendant, Judgment Roll. Date: 1763

People in this record:

Atkin, Ann; Gibson, Gideon

Places in this record:

Topics in this record:

Record details:

Date: 1763

12 Nov 1747
Gideon Gibson had a Warrant for abt 650ac in the Welsh tract and settled it abt 15 years ago and kept it as a cowpen with a servant on it for about two years & paid tax for same, being the Plantation now of Colonel Pawley’s and delivered up being in the Welch tract. And has since settled at a place called Persimon Grove and has nine persons in family to wit - wife, 7 children and one negro for which your Pet’r never had any land but as above expressed, your pet’r prays to order a warrant to run out the land for himself and family and that he may have grants for same. Sig: Gideon (his mark) Gibson. Prayer granted. Ordered that the Deputy Secretary prepare a Warrant for 450ac. [Page 54: Petitions for Land from SC Council Journals, Vol I 1734/5-1748, Brent H. Holcomb, SCMAR, Columbia, SC, 1996, p 297]


G. Lloyd Johnson

The Regulator Movement is Johnson's Topic at Workshop

Campbell University News Release
Bulletin 0203, 07/19/04

Dr. Lloyd Johnson, associate professor of history at Campbell University, presented a paper on the role of Gideon Gibson, a colonial person of color, in the Regulator Movement in South Carolina during the 18th century. It further explained why Gibson's race was not a factor regarding social position in the Welsh Tract in the South Carolina backcountry where he lived.


On the 9th instant I set out with Mr Pinckney for Mars-Bluff and reached Lynch's creek 

It appeared to us by all accounts that Gibson was guarded by a large body of men. 

The next bluff near the present railroad crossing called Sandy Bluff attracted a number of enterprising settlers that were to figure largely in the development of the country.  John Crawford, William George and John Sanders, Gideon Gibson and J. Keighly.  Rev Turbefield was also present in the community. 

As they passed by the mouth of Black Creek, ten miles about Mars Bluff they found large tracts-- 

On Black Creek Malachi Murphy, John McIver, Thomas Freemans, Abraham Paul... 

On Red Bluff three miles below Cashaway John Moiden Daniel Mooney, at Beauty Spot James Law, Anthony Simmons, and Gideon Gibson; on Duck Pond and John Hitchcock on Mars Bluff.  

“History of the Old Cheraws”

Chapter IV

…The other settlement referred to was made at a point on the east bank of the river, called Sandy Bluff, two and a half miles above Mars Bluff… The families of CRAWFORD, SAUNDERS, MURFEE, Crosby, Keighly, Berry, and shortly after the GIBSON’S, made up this community…



Further research revealed a number of Chickasaw Indian traders lived along the Pee Dee River during the “off-season” at a settlement called Sandy Bluff (in present day Marion County, South Carolina). According to Harvey Toliver COOK, several North Carolina and Virginia “squatters” had lived at Sandy Bluff since the early 1730s and a substantial community had evolved by 1734.(22)

James Adair was first a Cherokee Trader then Chickasaw lived with them for decades, good friend of Gibeon Gibson, daughter Agnes married to John Gibson, son of Gibeon. 
When the Gibeon Gibson family left the Pee Dee they lived along the Natchez Trace, Chickasaw Country, Samuel Gibson, son of Roger Gibson was founder of Port Gibson. [Chickasaw and Choctaw were 'brothers' - Chief Elah Tubbee aka Chief Thomas Gibson was Chief at Six Towns in 1812, signed the Dancing Rabbit Treat.  

Gibsons from Virginia to South Carolina 

Gideon and Jordan Gibson - Pee Dee

Daniel at Fort Congaree - Two Johns?  One is father of Gilbert Gibson

Roger - Luke and Susannah Gibson  nephew of Anthony Wright.  


John Graweere

    John Graweere or Geaween? Jack Goins These above names became important to me in my Goins and Melungeon research, especially after disco...