I have been researching the Goins-Gowen etc., for many years since I found the record of Phillis Goeing (Gowen) 1745 Charles City County - petitioned George Gibson concerning her children, but he failed to answer the petition so the court ordered the churchwardens to bind them out. George Gibson was the son or grandson of Gibby Gibson, brother/nephew of Gilbert Gibson of Louisa County. George and Thomas Gibson appear in Louisa County about this time then move on to Granville/Orange County North Carolina. The Gibsons in Charles City County descended from Native Americans according to 1790 Court Records.
These are some of the notes I have found over the years but have just recently tried putting them together, I have more and will post later.
Feel free to share the link - I was recently told since wasn't a Goins and I had no business researching them and was removed from the Facebook page, perhaps this might help some of those members.

In the name of God amen I John Bass being sick and weak of body Butt of Sound Senses and memory Thanks be to God Do make and Ordain this to be my Last will in manner and form following -- First and Imprimis I give and Bequeath to my son Edward Bass my manor plantation whereon I now live to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten for Ever But except that the use and liberty of said plantation for my loving wife Mary for her lifetime for use in bringing up my small children. I give William Bass my land at ye Beaver Dam south through the swamp __ to a dividing line. Item I give to my Grandson Aaron Johnsone one hundred acres of land more or less north side of Uriah Swamp if it is not (?Pote ye Broad wock north Jake in away of ye swamp?) Item I give unto my Loving Daughter Joudath Canady 100 acres of land more or less lying on ye south side of Urah Swamp adjoining James Hutchisons line to her and he heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten forever. Item I give to my loving friend Daniel Wharten Burbogg fifty acres of land lying on ye north side of ye Quater Swamp and Beginning at Toneys path south down ye said swamp across the first Branch to him and his heirs forever. Item I give unto my loving daughter Sarah Anderson one hundred acres of land more or less lying on ye north side of Uriah Swamp the most convenient land to the plantation whereon she now lives but not any part of ye said swamp but only ye tract toward Hutchinson line for ye complement as far as ye Branch to her and ye hears of her obdy Lawfully begotten forever. Item I give to my loving Daughter Loucy Bass one hundred acres of land more or less lying on the north side of Uriah Swamp bounded by Nowsoms line and so down betwixt Two Branch to ye said swamp but not into ye said swamp. Item I give to my loving daughter Mary one hundred acres of land more or less lying on North side of Uriah Swamp bound by my own line Newsoms and down a branch to ye said Swamp including a island on the lower side of ye said swamp. Item I give unto my son Aaron Bass my plantation on ye south side of Baird Swamp whereon he lives and all ye high Land from my uper line and to down to the Great pine Branch. Item I give unto my Daughter Patience Bass my plantation on the south side of Baire Swamp that I bought of William Johnston and all the land for the Great Branch above ye plantations down to ye lower line to her and the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten for ever. Item I give unto my son Moses Bass all my land that lyoth on the north side of Baire Swamp which is ajoining to my brother Edward's line including all the swamp to my son. My will is further that if my loving wife should again marry and my son disturbed then my sons Edward and William Bass to have half the benefir of my orchards on my manor plantations. Item I give unto my loving son John Bass my ould Square mosled gun. Item I give unto my loving wife the third of my movables and all the remainder of my estates both within and without to be equally divided amongst my last wife's children and lastly I do nominate and appoint my loving sons John Bass and Edward to be my executors together with my loving wife as a co executor during her widowhood. In witness whereof I have here into set my hand this 18th Day of June 1732. Signed with his mark which was a reversed capital "B" Witness Tho Bryant Edward Bass and James Guie Bertie Precint February Ct. 1732 Proved by oath of Capt Thomas Bryant James Quie Edward Bass Bertie County, N.C. Wills Vol. II p. 48 1663-1789
9 Nov 1785. Will of Moses Bass of Prince Georges Parish, George Town Dist, Province of SC, being indisposed in Body.... to MOURNING GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one cow marked with a cross & over bit & undr bit in one ear and cross & whole under nick in the other ear; to SARAH GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one cow marked in the above mentioned mark; to ELIZABETH GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one cow marked with a cross & undr bit & over bit in each ear and branded ME; to ANNE GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one heifer marked with a cross and under bit & over bit in each ear branded ME; to CYNTHA GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one heifer yearling marked with a cross & over bit & under bit in each ear & branded ME; to my beloved cousin Jeremiah Bass, [nephew] tract of 100 ac granted to John Smith, and one negro named Peter, one negro woman named Fann, one negro boy named Jack with their increase; my wife Elizabeth Bass to have the use of said plantation & tract of land granted to John Smith her lifetime and the use of negroes Peter, Fann & Jack & their increase her life time; to my beloved cousin Wright Bass, [Nephew] the plantation, mill, & tract of land containing 444 ac that I now live on, one negro woman Jane, my wife Elizabeth Bass to have the use of the plantation, mill & tract of land and negro woman her lifetime; to Henry Harison, son of James Harison, one negro woman Cate & increase, my wife to have the use of the negro woman her lifetime; to JOSEPH GOING, JUNR, one negro girl named Judah & increase, my wife to have the use her life time; to my beloved wife Elizabeth Bass, one negro man named Jack, one woman named Florah, one woman named Nan, one boy named Isum, one boy named Roger, and my cattle, about 110 head, branded ME, all my stock of horses & mares, all my household furniture & plantation tools, 26 head of sheep, and my hogs, also negro girl Violet; to JACOB GOING, a plantation of 50 ac granted to John Crawford; I appoint my wife Elizabeth Bass and my friend Luke Whitefield and James Harison, executors, dated 28 Feb 1777. Moses Bass (M) (LS), Wit: Malachi Murfee, Jeremiah Bass (x), Right Bass. A true copy taken from the original and examined by Hugh Horry, Ordinary G Town Dist. Whereas I, the within named Right Bass, am the eldest son of Edward Bass deceased, who was eldest brother of the within named Testator Moses Bass, which said Moses Bass departed this life without issue, whereby I, said Right Bass became his heir at law, and I am willing that all the several devises & bequests in the said will should have full effect, for the memory of my deceased uncle Moses Bass and for the several devisees in the within will, and five shillings, I confirm all the devises, legacies and bequests, 9 Nov 1785. Right Bass (LS), Wit: Chas Cotesworth Pinckney, Wm Smith. Proved in Charleston Dist by the oath of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney 28 Jun 1786 before Dl. Mazyck, JP. Rec 28 Jun 1786. S-5, 283-284. (Holcomb, SC Deed Abstracts, 1783-1788, Bks I-5 thru Z-
30 July 1799
Wright Bass and Nancy his wife to Levi Gibson 140 acres fro 35 pounds on Gum Swamp part of 500 acres known as the Mill Tract sold by Daniel Laroach Esq to James Owens and by him to Moses Bas and bequeathed in his will to Right Bass, Sr and bequeathed by him to Right Bass Jr.
See Bass Nansemond Lineage
In 1788, "Thomas Goin" applied to the County Court of Greene County for the administration of the estate of Elizabeth Bass, according to "Bulletin of the Watauga Association," Volume 10: "August 1788.
On motion of W. Avery, Esqr. atto. for Thomas Going for obtaining letter of administration on the Estate of Elizabeth Bass, decd. ordered that the same be laid over until next term, for proof of sanguinity [kinship, blood relationship] & that a dedimus potestatem [a commission to take testimony] issue in favour of said Thomas Going to Anson & Richmond Counties & to the State of South Carolina by giving fifteen days notice to Jeremiah Bass of the time & place where such testimony will be taken, ditto for Levi Bass to South Carolina giving Thos. Going fifteen days notice at least."
Edward Gowen of Granville County, North Carolina, regarded as a kinsman of Thomas Goin, was also named an heir of Elizabeth Bass. On October 14, 1788 he conveyed his interest in her estate to "his nephew, Thomas Gowen," according to Granville County Will Book 2, page 79.
"October 14, 1788. Know all men by these presents that I Edward Gowen of the County of Granville for divers good causes and considerations thereunto [me] moving more especially for the sum of A25 to me in hand paid, the receipt of which I do hereby acknowledge, hath bar? gained, sold & made over, and by these presents, do bargain, sell and make over to my nephew, Thomas Gowen all the estate, right and interest I have or hereafter may have to the estate of Elizabeth Bass, deceased, or any part thereof, and do hereby make over the same to the said Thomas Gowin, his heirs and assigns from the claim of me, the said Edward Gowen or any other person whatever claiming under me. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the 15th day of October, 1786.
Edward Going
Henry Meghe
Allin Hudson
Jhn. [X] Simmons..
In 1787, "Thomas Goin" received Grant No. 2015 for 300 acres of land on Licking Creek, "including his improvements" in Greene County, Tennessee. This grant was paid for in cash. Greene County had been formed in 1783 with land taken from Washington County.
In 1784 plat records show Michael Gowin living adjacent to Hayes Swamp in Georgetown District, South Carolina adjacent to Stephen Gibson – near where Moses Bass and his wife Elizabeth Bass (Going) were living on Gum Swamp – shown in plat records.
In 1789 a Lucy Gowin is shown in a plat with land adjacent to Stephen Gibson in Georgetown District, SC. She is likely the widow of Michael Gowin who disappears from records.
In 1792 Thomas Gowen is shown in two plats owning land on Hayes Swamp and adjacent to Stephen Gibson in Georgetown District, SC.
In 1796 John Gowing is shown in a plat owning land on Hayes Swamp adjacent to Stephen Gibson in Georgetown District, SC.
Stephen Gibson is a witness to a deed in 1807 conveying land once owned by Moses Bass that was left to a Right Bass. The Gibson family shows up in most of the Moses Bass & Elizabeth Bass probate paperwork – along with the Going family.
Researchers believe John Goin accompanied his brother Thomas Goin b. abt 1750-55 to Claiborne Co, TN where John is shown being received in 1800 to the Big Spring Primitive Baptist Church
"MONDAY, MAY 23, 1757: A petition from Andrew Hampton was read in the North Carolina House at Newbern, the petition praying for an allowance for the provisions furnished 160 Indians was placed under consideration. Earlier the North Carolina Assembly in 1753, had appointed Commishioners in Granville and three other frontier communities to furnish provisions for the Indians allied with the Province against the French and the Cherokee Indians. The allied Indians were probably Tuscarora and Saponi. In 1753-58, some thirty Saponi lived north of present Henderson, North Carolina on land of Colonel William Eaton, who acted as their interpreter. The first Court of Granville in 1746 was held in Colonel Eaton's house, he served as Public Registar for the County and was Commander of the Regiment of eight Companies of the Militia."
The following served under Col. Eaton, in Capt.Andrew Hampton's company:
James Bolling
William Bolling
Benjamin Bolling
John Bolling
William Saunders in the “Colonial Records of North Carolina” report that in 1754 a group of 30-40 Saponi had settled on the lands of William Eaton in Granville County, NC.
Eaton's Muster Roll 1754
- Edward Harris, negro Husband of Sarah Chavers, daughter of William and Frances
- William Chavers, negro Married Frances Gibson widow of George Smith
- William Chavers Jun., Mul.
- Gilberth Chavers, Mulatto
- John Smith Nut Bush Probably son of Frances, he administered her estate
- Thomas Gowen, mulatto
- Mickael Gowen, mulatto
- Edward Gowen, mulatto
''At the Rockdale mills, there lived some free mulattoes by the name of Turner, who were Tories and very wicked. The troops engaged in this expedition, having been disbanded, and Captain Culp having gone home, some of these mulattoes followed him to his own house, called him out at night, and accused him of whipping one of their brothers. He refused at first to come out, and they threatened to burn the house; but still he refused, until they began to apply the fire; then he came out between two young men, one on each side, holding them by the arms, and begging for his life; but the Turners told the young men that, If they did not wish to share the same fate with Culp, they must leave him. They did so; and he was Immediately shot down in his own yard. It is said that they not only murdered him, but his family also, and then burned his house, which stood about a mile below Hunt's Bluff. Old Major Pouncey's wife was Culp's daughter...."''After remaining a short time in North Carolina Captain Baxter marched back to South Carolina and joined Colonel Culp who joined General Francis Marion. After a few months service under Colonel Culp, he Colonel Culp, returned home and was killed by the Tories said to be commanded by Mike Gowen and Thomas Gibson. Captain Baxter immediately went in pursuit of them, we found Mike Gowen at Cade's Mill in Robeson County in this State & he was shot.''
1804 Sumter County Deed... S.C. Marion Dist. Levi Gibson appeared, saith that he was personally acquainted with a certain elderly woman by the name of Franky Going or Taylor. That from her appearances he had cause to believe that she was not of Ethiopian extraction. She was generally reputed to have proceeded from the Indian. He was also acquainted with a certain Gowen Taylor who was said to be the son of aforesaid Franky Taylor and he never was considered in any other way than to have derived from the Indian extraction. Hardy Crawford attested to oath.
Hardy Crawford was married to Rhoda Gibson
John Gowen Sr. of SC to Solomon Page of Marion Dist.. 3 parties of land containing 250ac on Ashpole Swamp one tract 150 ac being granted to Ignatious Flowers 14 Ap 1774, one other tract 50ac granted to Archable Odom 6 June 1785--Line runs up *Ashpole Swamp to ....... the three tracts near of adj each other and include where John Gowen SR. lives. John Gowen Sr. [His mark] Wit; John Ford, Benj Rawls, proved before Robert Moody Qu 9 Jan 1808 Nancy Gowing [her mark] rdr 12 Oct 1804 before Jesse Bethea JQ .. Rec 7 June 1810
Some of this research was found at this site - Goyen, Gowing, Going, Goyne, Goin, etc. sources from 1740 to 1775 - Where you will find much more records.