Friday, October 12, 2018

Loose Ends & Connections

Jordan and Jonathan Gibson 
Champ Gibson - George Gibson - Lambert Dodson 
Halifax County Road Orders


21 Mar 1771 Road Order: George Combs appointed Surveyor of the Road leading from Boyd’s Road to Roberts’ Road...ordered that he, with male tithables belonging to Moses Hendrick, *William Echols, Sr., John Anderson, Mead Anderson, *Shadrach Gowing, Harry Hereford, John Chapman, John Hood, Nipper Adams, *William Donathan, Thomas Spencer, William Mays, Nathan Sullins, Charles Henderson, George Wood, George Stubblefield, Daniel Easely, Stephen Easely, Joshua Adams, Thomas Lovelace, Samuel Wilson, George Brown, *Champ Gibson, and William Chandler, do forthwith lay open and clear the said Road, and they then return to their former road. (Halifax County, VA, Court Orders, 7:80)

Halifax County was formed from Luneburg, and Lunenburg from Brunswick County which was formed from Prince George in 1720. Hubbard Gibson is on the tax roll in 1704 in Prince George County which was cut off from Charles City County just two years earlier.  Pittsylvania County was established on December 15, 1766 from Halifax County and Henry County was established on October 23, 1776 from Pittsylvania County  Lambert Dodson, Joel Gibson, Champ Gibson [Nichols and Moore] witnessed the will of Thomas Gibson 1780 Henry Co., Virginia. [More later on these families living on Jermiah/Burches-Birches Creek in Halifax County.] 

Champ Gibson is in Halifax Co., 1771 with Shadrach Gowing, William Donathan and William Echols.  Champ Gibson is found in Henry Co., Va.,  on the will of Thomas Gibson along with Lambert Dodson and Joel Gibson, and later in Rockingham Co., North Carolina across the line, with the Goins families -- called the Rockingham Indians.  Champ's daughter, Jemima Gibson gave power of attorney to Tirey Gibson in Hawkins County, Tennessee to settled her father's estate in Rockingham Co., NC.

William Donathan  granted 200 acres in Louisa County on both sides of Gibby's Creek adjoining his own land and George Gibson, son of Gilbert, on 7 August 1752 [Patents 31:183]  - The Donathans moved to Wilkes Co.,  Bryson Gibson, son of Thomas and Mary Gibson of the Stoney Creek Church,  DNA matches the descendants of these Donathans, likely Nelson Donathan of Wilkes Co., NC died Bath Co., Kentucky.  

Philip Dennam/Denham, was taxable on his own tithe and John Going's tithe in Goochland County in 1754 in the list of William Burton [Tithables, 1730-1755. He was living in Halifax County, Virginia, when he and William Donathan were among those ordered to clear a road from Burches Creek to Mirey Creek.   [Gibby Gibson gave to  Hannah Dennam cattle and a boy slave named Jack during her lifetime  1727 Charles City County.]

William Echols daughter Hannah, married to Vardry McBee found in the records below with Jordan Gibson, Jordan is most likely the son of Gilbert of Louisa Co., Va.

 From ENTRY RECORD BOOK, 1737-1770, by Chiarito 8 Jul 1758 **Vardry McBee enters 400 acres on **Jeremiah's Fork on Matthew Stoker's side line

Deed Book 2-6 1759-1767, Halifax County, Virginia by Marian Dodson Chiarito, book 2, page 130, 3 March 1760, William Byrd, Esquire of Charles City County, to **Jonathan Gibson of Halifax County for £5, 16 schillings, 578 acres on **Jeremiahs Fork of ____, beginning at a post oak thence south… All trees, woods, etc. David Caldwell by Power of Attorney for said William Byrd… Signed: W. Byrd Witnesses: Fras. Nash, John Lawson and William Lawson Recorded March Court 1760. .

VARDRY MCBEE married Hannah Echols of Halifax County, they moved to Spartanburg, SC., where Jordan Gibson, son of Gilbert married their daughter RHODA MCBEE. Jonathan Gibson lives on Jeremiah Fork in Halifax Co., neighbor of this Vardry McBee

Spartanburg Co., S.C. Deed Book Abstracts A-T  1785- 1827

p. 260-261 Book B. Jan. 29, 1787: John Sanders (Louisa Co.[VA]) to Jordan Gibson (same); for £10 7 s VA money sold a wagon and harness for four horses. Witness John Brown, John Boswell, and Henry Gibson. Signed John Sanders.
[Deed] Book B, p. 114-116, March 17, 1788 Vardry McBee (Spartanburg) to David Allen [father-in-law of Henry Gibson] 250 ac on both sides of Goacher Cr of Thickety Cr.  Wit Joseph Morriss and JORDAN GIBSON.  Signed Vardry and Hannah McBee]
Sept. 1788
State against Jordan Gibson. On an indictment. The Grand Jury presenting him for Bastardy. It is therefore ordered that a Capias issue for his appearance in Court to answer to the said Indictment.
December 1788
State against Jordan Gibson. On a Breach of the Peace. The defendant appeared in his own person pleads Guilty and the Court having received exculpatory affidavits, fine the defendant one shilling and costs of suit. John Lefever came into Court and entered himself bail for the fees in the above case, acknowledged before Wm. Lancaster, D.C.

Spartanburg Co., S.C.  Minutes of the County Court  1785-1799

Ordered that the child Durrel [Burrell?] McBee which was pretended to be bound to Vardry McBee be delivered to the care of its mother Rhoda McBee, alias Gibson & Jordan Gibson her Husband.

p. 325-326 Book B.Dec. 2, 1789 
Nathan Gibson (Spartanburg) to Henry Gibson (same) ; for 40 L sold following ; a large bay horse 7 years old, 2 feather beds and furniture, 3 cows and calves, 2 heffers, 3 young stears, 17 hogs, a large iron pot, a dutch oven,6 pewter pleats, 2 "diches" for basons, and a crib of corn. Witness John Sanders, George Gibson, Masten Sanders, and Lewis Sanders. Signed Nathan Gibson's mark. Wit. Oath Dec. 21, 1789 Lewis Sanders to Wm. Smith.
 p. 369-371 Book D.Dec. 20, 1795  David Humphrey and wife Jane (Spartanburg) to Henry Gibson (same); for 60 L sterling sold 185 ac on both sides Gocher's  Cr; part of 200 ac grant Dec. 6, 1771 North Carolina to Hugh Moore who sold to Charles Ray who sold to WilliamThompson and sold by his son Sevan Thompson to David Humphrey; 15 ac from grant excluded from this sale on N side of Goucher's Cr. And on E corner of grant.

Jan. 19th 
1793 - Gideon Gibson against Nathan Gibson. Case. Dismissed at equal costs.

October 10, 1797 John Lefever (Spartanburgh County) to SarahWooten a chesnut horse with star and a sorrel stud cold with small star.Witness Rice Ross, G
ideon Gibson, and Jordan Gibson  Witness George Gibson, Young Allen, and William Wilkins. Signed  David Humphrey and Jane's mark. Witness oath April 12, 1796 Young Allen to John Lipscomb.Rec. 

May 15, 1796
p. 127-128 Book F.April 29, 1797David Allen (Spartanburg) to Young Allen (same) ; for 50 L sterling sold 150 ac ; border :Gocher's Cr, George Gibson, David Allen's Spring Br, and Jones; part of 543 ac grant Oct. 6, 1788 Gov. Thomas Pinckney to David Allen . Witness David Jones and Willis Allen.Signed David Allen's mark. Wit. Oath July 15, 1797 David Allen to John Lipscomb.Rec. Oct. 20, 1798

Spartanburg Co., S.C.  Minutes of the County Court  1785-1799

George Gibson & Lewis Sanders as evidences in the case Jordan Gibson against John Sanders, on oath in open Court was allowed, to wit, the said George s 15 for 6 days attendance and the said Lewis 17/ & d 6 for 7 days attendance, and s 33 d 4 for mileage.

Jan. 17th 1798 George Gibson proved 4 days attendance as a witness in the case Nathaniel Wofford against William Vincent, at two shillings & six pence per day.

July 18th 1798 George Gibson proved 7 days attendance as a witness in the case Nathaniel Wofford against William Vincent
July 20, 1798 William McGowen  against George Gibson. Appeal . Ordered that this case be remanded to the Justice from whence it came upon payment of costs.
Spartanburg Co., S.C. Deed Book Abstracts A-T  1785- 1827                                                                                                                  
p. 161-162 Book K.Oct. 11, 1802 Henry Gibson (Spartanburg) to Jarrett Patterson (same); For $300 sold (148ac?) ; SW end of tract (100 ac?) ; border : Corner marked ID and C ; on Goucher's Cr. And 48 ac bordering Ezekiel Howard and David Allen. Witness George Gibson and Ezekiel Sullivan. Signed Henry Gibson's mark. Wit. Oath Oct. 11, 1803 George Gibson to John Lipscomb.Rec. Oct. 16, 1805.Dower renounced Nancy Gibson to John Lipscomb 

Nov. 2, 1804
p. 2-4 Book L & M.Oct. 11, 1803 Henry Gibson (Spartanburg) to Jarrett Patterson (same) ; for $250 sold 180 ac on both sides of Goocher's Cr. ; "there is a line made between Jarret Patterson and George Gibson" ; part of 200 ac grant Dec. 6, 1771 North Carolina to Hugh Moore who sold to Charles Ray and sold to "William Thomson Swan Thomson's son her at " sold  to David Humphreys who sold to Henry Gibson.Witness George Gibson to Ezekiel Sullivan .Signed Henry Gibson's mark.Wit. oath Oct. 11, 1803 George Gibson to John Lipscomb. Rec. Mar. 6, 1809


1800 Spartanburg Co., S.C.

George Gibson.......1-0-0-1-0....males...............................1-0-1-0-0....females

1810 Spartanburg Co., S.C.
George Gibson.....1-1-0-0-1   males..............................3-0-0-1-0  females

Spartanburg Co., SC Will Abstracts 1787-1840
Pg.55 In the Court of Ordinary the 19th day of Feb. 1810 granted a citation to Mayveil (?) Griffen on the estate of Ignatious Griffin decd...
Granted admn. on the estate of Ignatius Griffen decd to Mayvell Griffin...Hugh Moore & Wm. Gibson securities...

Pg.6 Austust 6th 1810 Hugh Moore returned in behalf of Mavel Griffin Admx of Ignatius Griffin decd, Inventory sale.........

Pg. 8 Nov. 6, 1810

Mavel Griffin gave bond with Young Allen security for her future Admin. in the Estate of Ignatius Griffin decd, in place of George Gibson....(there appears to have been more to these entries but for some reason it was left out)

Pg.3 March 4th 1811

Mavel Griffin Adminx. of Ignatius Griffin decd, made an annual return......


George & Abigail Gibson Virginia W 8852

[Todd County formed 1820 from Logan and Christian Counties.
Todd Co., KY On the Oct. 19, 1832 personally appeared before me in open court, George Gibson, a resident of the foresaid county and commonwealth, aged 67 the 14th of last month, who being duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the above mentioned benefits.That he entered the service of the U.S. in a company commanded by Capt. John White, the old officers were Col. Abrey, and Major Srmstreet commanded by Gen. Weeden.He entered the service a short time before he was 16 years of age and served 3 months under above mentioned officers.He returned home at the end of 3 months and after some months, the time not recollected, he again entered the service under Capt. William Harris and Lt. Anderson and served 3 months and returned home again and after some months the precise time not recollected he was again called into service under Capt. Holt, he was drafted for 3 months each ( but he does not recollect that he remained that length of time the last tour as he was discharged a few days after the defeat of Cornwallis and he does not recollect the time he left service but knows it was but a short time before the Treaty of Peace.)The Col. and Maj. of the 2nd. tour were Col. Taylor and Maj. Batuse of the 3rd tour forgotten the name of Col. his best impression is that it was Col. Taylor and Maj. Baswell. He resided in Louisa Co., VA. at the time he entered the service and during the War when at home he was drafted as he supposes each time he recollects that his company was laid off in divisions and when the division to which he belonged was called on he was compelled to go.
He marched through Hanover Co.,to Richmond, he was stationed at a place called the Mashin Hills and he marched through King William Co. We lay at Sewens old field about 4 miles from Glouster. Some days before the Battle at York and defeat of Cornwallis on the North side of the river he was a guard. the day proceeding the night on which the battle was fought at York and Gloucester he among the balance of the guards was ordered to rest and meet at headquarters at the old field when he arrived there the main army had left there and gone to Gloucester, we were then ordered to march to Gloucester, we went but stopped on the way to draw cartridges which there the firing commenced the we started and went about 1/2 mile and halted in the night and inquiring was being made whether any man among us could speak French language. It was ascertained that no one among us could speak that language and on account of the danger of not being distinguished we were commanded to lie down on our arms . We remained there until the Battle was over whilst there we could hear the bullets over us. He knew no regular officers while out that he now recollects except Gen. Lafayette.He has no documentary proof or evidence of his service that he knows of no person whose testimony he could produce who can testify to his service.He saw the British stack their arms at Cornwallis defeat, he rode a horse from there taken from one of Tarletons horsemen about 4 miles. He hereby relinquishes every claim except the present for a pension and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency of any state whatever.
                                                                                                                          George Gibson


Grantee: Jordon Gibson
Number of Acres: 114
Survey Date: 20 Sep 1796
County: Logan
Watercourse: Gum Lick Cr
Book Number: 1

Grantee:Jordon GibsonNumber of Acres:200Survey
Date:22 Sep 1796 County:Logan Watercourse
Rock House Fk Book Number:8

1799 - Jordan Gibson vs Solomon Penrod
Capias order to take Solomon Penrod(?) to answer Jordan Gibson – Logan Co. KY Loose Records

1799 -The county is made debtor to Jordon Gibson for 1 wolf scalp £8

Book H, p. 11-12 Sept 29, 1801 JORDAN GIBSON (Logan Co., KY) to Robert Stacey (Spartanburg) waters Cherokee Cr of Broad R.  Witness Amos Austell and Samuel Austell.  Signed JORDAN GIBSON's mark.  Wit. oath, Oct. 26, 1801 Amos Austell to John Lipscomb  Rec. Dec 5, 1801
1800 Jordan Gibson to administer the estate of John Turner deceased

Jordan Gibson enters 100 acres of land on Gum Lick Creek in Logan County

May 18, 1801 Order book 1A page 193
Ordered that Jordan Gibson be allowed 100 acres of land…to wit Gurdon Gibson…Gum Lick creek Order Book 2 page 189

Jan 1802 ”Gordon” Gibson enters 100 acres of land on the waters of Green Lick Creek

Assessment(?) of the property of John Turner deceased sold out of the county March 20, 1802 Gurdon Gibson administrator Order book 1A page 193

An inventory and appraisement of the estate of John Turner deceased - An account of the property of John Turner deceased sold by Silas McBee Order Book 2 page 352-353
[It appears that the McBee family and Jordan Gibson removed to Logan County, Kentucky in the part that became Christian County.

Will Book 1 page 43

Jordan Gibson dated 19 January 1824, probated 17 Jan. 1825.  Wife Rhoda; supposed daughter Polly, wife of George Acres; supposed son Jesse Scott; supposed son David Moore and his son Jordan Moore; exts Richard Millar, Rhoda Gipson, Jesse Scott.
With' Joseph Hughston, Archd Hughston, Catherine White.

While the will mentions none of the Gibsons found in Spartanburg, South Carolina this surely has to be the same Jordan.  A descendant of  Jesse Scott carries the DNA of the Gibson family. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

We Are Still Stuck in the Past

Imagine if your cardiologist was treating your heart condition with research from the 1950s or even the 1980s.  Imagine if detectives, police, FBI etc., ignored all the tools found in the last 50-60 years, not using DNA, previous court records, etc., to investigate and pursue modern crimes.

Yet here we are in 2018 and we still have researchers/authors etc., using records, articles etc., that were written in the 1950s to 1990s.  

DNA has proven the Charles City County, Virginia Gibsons, documented as having Native American roots share ancestors with Louisa, Scott and  Lee Counties of Virginia,  Orange, Wilkes, and Randolph Counties in North Carolina and into Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio etc.  

The Collins DNA [Vardy, Amos, David, etc., of Wilkes County, North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee is found along the Savannah River in Georgia and South Carolina.

Where are the researchers looking into these families?  Well they are still going by research of Henry Price from the fifties, blood studies and researchers of the 1960s, and ignoring all the research turned up in the last twenty years.  All because it doesn't fit their narrative, their stories have been told, their books have been published and they are not going to change it., uh uh, no way.

When I first entered into researching the Melungeons back in late 1990 there were very few websites with any Melungeon research and at that time I put 10 years of research online and have added to it since.  In 1997 I believed there were such things as Melungeon diseases, bumps, knots and squats.  And yes I even believed the Melungeons were only found on Newman's Ridge.  

There are researchers who will still try to convince you they are the only real Melungeons and the Ridge is the origin of these people despite the research of the last 10-20 years ago.

We have found the Croatan/Lumbee claimed they were known as Malungeons, long before they got to the Ridge. Court records show there was a town in Wilson County, Tennessee called Malungeon Town, in the 1850s, and Solomon Bolton, the Perkins, Shoemake, Goins etc., were also known as Melungeons in the 1850s.  

We have stories of the 'mixed Indian' community of Malunjins living in Dothan, Alabama [Did we just find a DNA match to Newmans Ridge Gibsons] as early as 1800.  There are at least a dozen references to the political Moulungeons of Virginia in the 1850-1860s.  When are researchers, authors, etc., put down their copy and paste and do some research?

This letter from Hamilton McMillan was  addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and  was included in the 1890 Indian Population Report published by the Census Bureau.  This letter was written before Dromgoole published her stories of the Melungeons of Newman's Ridge. 
July 17, 1890
--Red Springs, North Carolina
Hamilton McMillan

'The Croatan tribe lives principaly in Robeson county, North Carolina, though there is quite a number of them settle in counties adjoining in North and South Carolina.  In Sumter county, South Carolina, there is a branch of the tribe, and also in east Tennessee.  In Macon county, North Carolina, there is another branch, settled there long ago.  those living in east tennessee are called "Melungeons", a name also retained by them here, which is corruption of 'Melange', a name given them by early settlers (French), which means mixed.''

I can assure you Melungeon descendants all the Gibsons did not spring from Old Thomas and George Gibson of Orange County, North Carolina. 

See Links Below

Bel Air, Maryland
12 Jan 1870


Recollection of the Olden Time

First Series...No.6.

To the Editors of the Aegis & Intellegencer:

"When I commenced my last letter, upon the subject of the young ladies in Bel Air [Harford County jp] and vicinity of the olden time, I imagined I would, before closing, work up all the raw material at my command; but I had progressed but a few sentences before one old acquaintance after another began to come up in memory, and I found my programme would be very incomplete without another letter.  Hence with your privilege, I will refer to a few additional men and boys who lived in and around your village during the first quarter of the present century.

In speaking of legislators in a previous letter, I forgot to mention Jas. W. Williams, who lived on Deer Creek, not far from Husband's Tanyard.  He was a tall, swarthy man, not unlike some of our "F.FV.'s," who take great pride in the very uncertain genealogy that turns the current of Pocahontas in their veins. (And just here let me say in particular, that if one-half of those who claim to have descended from the Indian princess are really such, Virginia in her most savage days, never had a more numerous tribe of malungeons than at present.) As before said, Mr. Williams very much resembled these claimants, with his erect form, elastic step, straight black hair, olive complexion and brilliant eye. ...."

The Molungeons  1856-1869


 Malungeon Town

Melungeons of Hamilton County, Tennessee

Hamilton McMillan - 1890

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Molungeons of Virginia

Who Are These Molungeons of Virginia

--- The platform of Feb 1856 which expunged and ignored the 12th section and in a letter which goes expressly for restoring the Missouri Compromise. The Mulungeons of Richmond endorsed the 'late convention' at Philadelphia too; but will any southern man-- a Stuart or an Imobdin even -- endorse this letter for the restoration of the Missouri Compromise.'' 


From the Richmond Whig. Letter from Hon. John M. Botts
Date: March 26, 1859
Location: Maryland 
Paper: Easton Gazette 
Article type: Letters

......when the Sheriff came to count up the votes at the close of the polls, they counted but five -- and if I had received the vote of one ''Molungeon,'' and he had been authorized by the Constitution to vote, and had 'had' a majority of only one--- it would have been difficult to tell, whether I was most indebted for my election to the "Molungeon" or to the Chief Justice of the U.S.; and if my competitor had received six "Molungeon" votes, or the votes of six worthless and degraded locofocos (supposing they could be any such) they would have more than balanced these five of the first men of the State could boast...........


Date: March 28, 1859 
Location: Alabama Paper: Daily Confederation 

Thirteen congressional electors, fifty senatorial electors, and three hundred and sixty county electors have been notified to hold themselves in readiness to repel the Dragoon of Rockbridge. Botts too, will dash to the rescue at the head of a noble band of "Molungeons and Eboshins" as soon as the weather becomes sufficiently warm to render his odoriferous forces efficient.

The Slave Power; its Character, Career, and Probable Designs. By JE...

Continental monthly: devoted to... - Cornell University - Jan 1, 1863

"Whether their own children were sold may be imagined from an anecdote long current in Virginia, relative to ex-Governor Wise, who, in a certain law case where he was opposed by a Northern trader, decided of a certain slave, that the chattel, being a mulatto, was of more value than 'a molungeon.' And what, in the name of God, is a molungeon?' inquired the astonished 'Northern man." 'A mulatto' replied Wise, ' is the child of a female house-servant by 'young master' --a molungeon is the offspring of a field hand by a Yankee peddler."

Mr. Cairnes has, no doubt, not often heard of mulattoes--they constitute the great majority of Virginia slaves. But did he ever hear of a 'molungeons'?

December 1864
-- Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Battles and Sketches of the Army of Tennessee - Page 511
It soon became noised that these men were to be shot as bushwhackers General Forest informed General Rousseau, by flag of truce, that those men were his regular soldiers, and that if he shot them it would be at his peril.
The names of his soldiers were sent in, but the scout and Bose Rouss (some called him Malungeon), who had killed a Federal detective, were not mentioned in the list.

-Thursday 2d July 1863 
--Bluegrass Confederate: The Headquarters Diary of Edward O. Guerrant By Edward O. Guerrant

Came on to Mr Hortons for dinner—found him in a tornado furiosus-against Virginians, who fed his grass &c. and in ecstatic panegyrics of all Kentuckians—”all of whom were “interesting” gentlemen”—& no “malungens”. ...
(1/2 b & 1/2 w) [2 ]

From Our Own Correspondent Fredericksburg,
 January 10, 1864
"the "Government organ," however, announces that the observed of all observers were four negroes, "of genteel exteriour, and with the manners "of gentlemen, who joined in the throng that 'crowded the Executive Mansion, and were coridaly received by the President of the Untied State,'' The Molungeon Chronicle adds; -- We are not aware that anybody was hurt on the occasion, and we rejoice that we have a President who is a democrat in fact, as well as by nature."

Utica Weekly Herald [New York]
March 29, 1864
The "Richmond Whig" makes the following comments on the last call for men.
It is certain, therefore, that the "rebels" will now back down.  Twenty millions of mongrels have undertaken to whip them.  The Yankees soon got sick of the fight, and levied on the Dutch and Irish. The resident Irish and Dutch began to flag and 75,000 Paddies were recruited in Ireland, with the approval and assistance of Earl Russel.  Then 100,000 n****** were enlisted.  And now 200,000 n******, Yankees, and other molungeons, half breeds, mestizoes, and Yaboes [Yaboes—a Davis coinage for the 70,000 Yank hoboes in the armed services] are to be drafted.  What wonder that the "rebels" are completely broken hearted?  Who blames the European by-standers for advising the "rebels" to give the cause up?
For ourselves, we are free to say that we are for peace.  We want peace. We will have it.  We must have it, on any terms?  Yes, on any terms -- which General Lee, standing in Faneuil HHall, may choose to dictate to the base born wretches who have sought to enslave us.  The game is a very pretty one as it stands.  Our enemies must be conquered by us, or conquered by Lincoln. They must make terms with gentlemen or they must make terms with a blackguard and a baboon.  Take your choice, O Yankees.

Staunton Spectator
May 25, 1869
The Duties of Election Day(Column 01)
Summary: Declared that all eligible voters have the duty to vote on election day to ensure the defeat of certain sections of the Underwood constitution and to elect Walker as Governor. Wanted to ensure at least some form of control for white Virginians in the state.
Full Text of Article:The election which will take place on the 6th day of July next, by appointment of the President, will decide whether the people of this State are to be cursed with the Underwood abomination, called a Constitution, as it came from the hands of the Molungeon Convention, or whether it will be modified by having the test-oath and disfranchising clauses stricken out -- whether Walker or Wells will be our Governor, and whether proper men will be elected to represent the State in the Legislature.

SEPT 6,1866
Brownlow, one of the ''Loyal Southerners" now in attendance on the Molungeon Convention sitting in Philadelphia, has declared his platform as follows:  "If another war comes, I want you to divide your army into three portions.  Let the first and largest portion come armed with weapons to do the killing.  Let the second come with torches and do the burning.  Let the third come with surveyors lines, and re-mark and re-settle the country.  These are my sentiments."
At latest advices from Philadelphia, the following comprised the names of delegates from Virginia to the MOLUNGEON CONVENTION now in session in that city; Jno Minor Botts, Geo. Ky Gilmer, Chas. W. Butts, N.Be. Janney, John Hawkhurst, Geo. Tucker, and S. D. Kerns.  Gov. Boreman of W. Va.., is also present.  Dr. Gilmer, of this place, is the only delegate from the Valley.

SEPT 13,  1866
A specimen of dignity, decency and ability of the MOLUNGEON CONVENTION, recently held in Philadelphia is thus related: Jack Hamilton, ex-Gov. of Texas, claimed attention while he read an estract from a speech delivered by Secretary Seward somewhere in Michigan.  o action was taken on it, although an excited delegate moved that Seward be sent three hundred and sixty-five degrees into rebel hell, with Montgomery Blair piled on him, for the words were not worth three cents a bushel.

Previous to the adoption of the address of Senator Creswell, of Maryland, by the MOLUNGEON CONVENTION, Parson Brownlow, in tones almost as tremolous as his fingers, spoke in favor of its adoption, and proposed the printing of ten thousand copies in large type, big enough for Andy Johnson to read "drunk or sober."

"Mulungeons and Eboshins": Ethnic and Political Epithets
by Wayne Winkler

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Chippoakes Creek Families

Chippoakes Creek Families

The red dot is Upper Chippoakes Creek.  Note the the Quiyoughcohannocks on one side of the James and the  Paspahegh on the other side.  The first Gibsons lived on or very near to the Quiyoughcohannocks and were buried on the lands that belonged to the Paspahegh Tribe.

The records below will show that George Gibson, Thomas Gibson, Thomas Chivers/Chavis, 'Peter' Gibson, Thomas Busby, John Collins, Robert Sweat and Adam and Gilbert Ivey are all found on Chippoakes Creek. Thomas Busby was Indian Interpreter for the Crown [In 1712 “Gilbert Ivy and Adam Ivy being brought before this Board and examined on Suspition of trading with the Tuscaruro Indians contrary to the orders and proclamation prohibiting that Trade,” [sons of Adam and Elizabeth Ivey] and at least one Ivey has DNA results that match the Busby. The Busby, Gibson, Collins, Caufields and Ivey were neighbors on Chippoakes Creek. 

Indians on the Upper Chippokes Creek:

William Knott, 312 Acres, Surry Co 28 Mar 1666, p. 482 (land patents). 112 acres on south side of James River on south side of Upper Chipoake Creek, bounded NW on land of Edward Oliver, N upon Wm. Thomas, E on George Gibson [See Indian Jane Gibson of Charles City County]  SE on Mr. Fisher; 200 acres on south side of said River, Wly. on Jeremiah Clements, NW on Edward Oliver, Nly on Wm. Thomas, George Gibson & Edward Minter, Ely. on Wm. Gapins land & Mr. Thomas Busbie and SE on Mr. Richard Hill

The Quiyoughcohannock were one of the first Virginia Indian groups the English encountered in 1607 after landing at Jamestown. Situated primarily in present-day Surry County, the Quiyoughcohannocks had four villages in the region likely east of Upper Chippokes Creek. The Quiyoughcohannocks in 1608/09 escorted Nathaniel Powell and Anas Todkill southward in an unsuccessful attempt to locate survivors of the Roanoke Colony. The English observed a part of a ritual initiation into manhood, the huskanaw, at a Quiyoughcohannock village in 1608.

Claremont Manor is in Surry County, Virginia, on the south shore of James River at its confluence with Upper Chippokes Creek. It was in the area occupied by the Quiyoughcohannock Indians when George Harrison received a grant of land there is 1621. 

Southwark Parish was created in 1647 and described as encompassing all the territory extending from "the colledge" [College Creek] to (and including) the Upper Chipoaks [Upper Chippokes Creek]

A List of ye Tythables from ye Colledge to Smiths forte taken ye 10th of June 1668 by Mr. Thos. Warren:

Tho. Hurle   Joh. Shipp  Tho Gibson & 1 negro, 04
Edmond Howel l 01

Elizabeth Chavis on 28 March 1672 made a successful petition to the General Court of Virginia to release her son, Gibson Gibson, who had been unlawfully bound by Berr. Mercer to Thomas Barber who had gone to England leaving the boy with Samuel Austin [McIlwaine, Minutes of the Council, 302-3].  While it has been published to somehow show the Gibson and Chavis must have been of African descent by Paul Heinegg I suspect Mr., Heinegg was not aware of this law on the book, or chose to ignore it.  

In 1655 provision was made that Indian children could become indentured servants only by consent of their parents and for specified terms agreed upon and such children were to be educated in the Christian religion.
In Virginia, 1656, it was provided that Indian children brought into the colony as hostages should be assigned to masters by choice of their parents, but should not be made slaves. Again, in 1658, it was decreed that any Indian children disposed of by their parents to a white man for “education and instruction in the Christian religion”, or for any other purpose, were not to be turned over to any other person upon any pretext whatever
It certainly appears that Gibson Gibson would fall under this law when he was turned over to Samuel Austin, the recent find of "Indian Jane Gibson" court documents show the Gibson in Charles City County were known as Indians as early as 1640.

1676 List of the Names and some of the Residences of the Rebel Participants in Bacon's Rebellion of 1676 in Colonial Virginia [Bacon's Castle - home of Arthur Allen - Claremont] 

Edmund Howell - Surry - Southwark Parish
Thomas Gibson - Surry - Southwark Parish 

Edmund Howell -- 23 Dec. 1679 
To my only son, William Howell my whole estate with some exceptions. to my godson Gibson, son of Thomas Gibson To godson Henry Baker. Makes George Foster Exec. and gives him the care of son until he is 21 years old, If son die, his inheritance to Henry Baker, GeorgeFoster Thomas Ironmonger his children.
Wit: Thos Pittan, Sr., John Moring. Prob. 9 Oct. 1679.(2:240) 

Gibby Gibson 
In the Sandy Point Cemetery, Charles City County; (Home of the Paspahegh Indians) - (See map above)

Here Lyes the Body of FRANCIS GIBSON

Here Lyes the Body of GIBBY GIBSON
Here Lyes the Body of THOMAS GIBSON

Will of Gibby Gibson of Charles City Co. , "very weak'

My riding horse to be sold to pay Col. Lightfoot.
To Hannah Dennam, my negro boy Jack, for life, and then to my son Gibby Gibson.

To wife Francis: my negro girl Vicky, for life, and then to my daughter Fran: Smith ( Francis would later marry and move from Bertie County with second husband William Chavis and is found on the lands of William Eaton - Saponi? in 1754)

To my son in law George Smith, 2 negroes - Sovilaty and Jin.

To Hannah Dennam, my negro boy Peter for life and then to my daughter Fran Smith

To my son Edward Gibson, my negro Judey, my wearing clothes, carpenters tools, and coopers tools

To George Smith, 2 sheets, 2 blankets and a rugg

To Tabitha Rollinson, negro girl Nanny. [ Also moved to the lands of William Eaton from Bertie County]

George Smith to take care of my cattle and they are to be divided equally between my wife and granddaughter Sarah Smith.

To wife my two working Horses and hoggs.

Rest of my estate to George Smith and he to be executor , Dated 2 March 1726/7
Witt: Benja. Moody, Robert Cade,(*) James Blankes
Signed: Gibby(G) Gibson
Codicil: Negro boy Peter given in will to Hannah Dennam and then to Frances Smith, is to go to my son George Gibson
3 March 1726/27 Wit: by above Moody and Cade
Recorded 3 May 1727 Presented by George Smith and proved by above Blanks and Cade. Col. Fran's Lightfoot, Security.

After Gibby died some of the family started leaving Virginia. Frances who had married George Smith and later William Chavis, Tabitha who married George Rollinson, John Gibson and Gideon Gibson are in Bertie County, Hubbard Gibson and his family also moved to Bertie County before they all seemed to have moved on. Some in Granville and Orange Co., N.C and others to the Pee Dee.  
November 1741 the court presented George Gibson and George Gibson, Jr., for not going to church. In July 1745 Phillis Goeing (Gowen) petitioned him concerning her children, but he failed to answer the petition so the court ordered the churchwardens to bind them out. (It is likely this George Gibson Sr., is the son of Gibby Gibson who left the 1727 will in Charles City County. 

(*) Robert Cade was the witness on will of Gibby Gibson 1727 in Charles City County, Virginia. This is likely Robert Cade who married Susannah Crump, son Stephen Crump Cade born September 17, 1715 St Peters Parish, New Kent County, Virginia. Stephen Crump Cade resided in lived in Edgecombe, Dobbs, and was Sheriff of Johnston Co. in 1757, married to Mary Wadill and Mary Gibson and died in Robeson Co., North Carolina in 1783. His son John Cade married to Elizabeth Adair, daughter of the Indian trader and author Doctor James Adair of Robeson County, North Carolina. Elizabeth's sister, Agnes married to John Gibson who is said to have been killed by Indians near Nashville in 1790.

15 Sep 1769 James IVEY of Bladen Co to James Adair, doctor, 200 acres in the fork of the Little Pedee River, on the east side of Mitchells Creek being land granted to Jordan Gibson on 1 July 1758, conveyed to John Wootan on 25 September 1761 then to Ben Davis on 16 July 1762 then to James Ivey on 26 July 1766. (See Ivey below)

The Gibsons of Louisa County, later called Melungeons, and the Gibsons of Pee Dee share a common ancestor proven by DNA match.


Thomas Chivers was appointed to a jury of twelve men in Isle of Wight County on 28 July 1658 to determine whether 900 acres belonged to Major Nicholas Hill or to John Snollock [VMHB V:406]. He purchased 1,100 acres of land at the head of Sunken Marsh near Chipoakes Creek in Surry County, Virginia, on 20 May 1659 for two cows, payment of 4,000 pounds of tobacco in October that year, and payment of 4,000 pounds of tobacco in October 1660. He died sometime before 13 April 1664 when his daughter Elizabeth was bound out until she came of age [DW 1:151; Haun, Surry County Court Records, I:149; II:232]. 

Thomas CheversChavis purchased 1,100 acres of land at the head of Sunken Marsh near Chippoakes in Surry Co. Virginia - 1659  These Chavis descendants also went to Bertie Co., NC and then to Granville where they were apparently one of the 15 Saponi Indians living on William Eaton's land.



Adam Ivey was a small-scale tenant farmer, almost certainly growing tobacco. Fifty acres was a small landholding, but a single field worker was capable of managing only three or four acres of tobacco in those days. Fifty acres was a typical holding for a planter with only himself to work the fields.[5] His location can be approximated, since nearly all the persons mentioned in these records lived south of the James River in the neck of land bounded by Upper Chippoakes Creek and Wards Creek. This neck included what was later the parish of Martins Brandon, in which Adam Ivey apparently lived at his death, in what would later become Prince George County. It was quite close to Surry County, Upper Chippoakes Creek being the later boundary between Prince George and Surry.

History of the Adam Ivey Family

The DNA evidence shows that the Ivys, Iveys and Ivies are related to the Busbices/Busbys/Buzbees in the male line. The Ivy male line's "Busby" DNA could have resulted from an Ivy adoption of a male Buzbee, or a Busby male could have been the father of a male Ivy. Ivey and Busby

“After seeing the latest Y-DNA results, it appears that it's highly probable that the Benjamin Busby line and one of the Ivey/Ivie/Ivy lines are entangled, most likely in very early Colonial Virginia. One of the Busby/Busbice/Buzbee male descendants is matching 66/67 markers with what we believe to be the Adam Ivie line of Charles City/Prince George Co, VA" - Jerry Ivey - Here

Thomas Busby (born about 1674) was an “Indyan boy” servant to Mr. Robert Caufield of Surry Co. VA in July of 1684 when his age was adjudged at 10 years (Haun, Surry County Records 1682-91, 444) - This Thomas Busby is likely named after Thomas Busby the interpreter for the crown mentioned in records of George Gibson in 1666. Could this Thomas Busby "Indyan boy" be the Ivey DNA match?

Surry County - 5 Mar 1688/89 Book 4 p108 Robert Caufield 680a where I lately lived and known as Sunken Marsh. ( Thomas Chavis land was also on Sunken Marsh -see above)

1684 Upper Sunken Marsh
p.46, Mr. Tho: Busby, Peter Gibson, Con & Ann two Indyans - 4

Will of Capt. Robert Caufield, of Lawne's Creek parish, Surry county: Names niece Elizabeth, wife of William Holt, niece Mary, wife of James Bruton, nephew John Seward; legacy to Mary, dau. of Charles Williams; to Mrs. Mary Holt 15L Page 311. sterl.; legacies to Frances, dau. of Francis Mason, Elizabeth, dau. of Arthur Allen, to Katherine and James, children of Arthur Allen, (Arthur Allen was owner of Bacon's Castle) to Mrs. Elizabeth Holt, Wm. Hancocke and his wife, to Samuel Newton and John Collins, wife Elizabeth. Dated Jan. 2, 1691; proved Jan. 19, 1691. [Capt. Robert Caufield was son of William Caufield, of the parish of Chippoakes, Surry county, and Doreas, his wife.

22 Jul 1743 Jno. Collins enters 200 acres in Craven County on south side of Contentnea Creek bordering Thomas Ivi’s line and runs up the creek… [North Carolina Land Entries 1735-1752, A. B. Pruitt, p44]

This may refer to the land granted to Thomas Ivey the following year. Thus, this may be the first sighting of the Thomas Ivey who was in Bladen County later this year. The name on the warrant at the Archives is very difficult to read and may be “Ive” or “Ivi” or “Ives” or something else entirely.

1 Dec 1744 Grant: Thomas Ivey, 300 acres in Craven County on the south side Great Contentnea Creek on the Mirey branch. [Colony of NC 1735-1764 Abstracts of Land Patents, Margaret M. Hofman, Vol. 1, p11, Grant #2721]

23 Oct 1754 Granville Grant: Adam Ivey, 285 acres in Edgecombe County on Contentnea Creek joining Ivey’s Meadow and John Haywood. Survey for Adam Ivey dated 4 September 1753, chain carriers: Joshua Lee, Peter Bass. [Patent Book 11, p211]

This is actually on Little Contentnea Creek. “Ivey’s Meadow” clearly implies that he already owned adjoining land.


Leift. Robert Sheppard due 650 acres of land in James City Co., 26 July 1638, for transporting 13 persons ... the list includes Robert Swett. The land granted to Robert Sheppard at this time was on the south bank of the James River at Chippokes Creek. [Nugent, p. 584] [Nugen t, Nell Marion, "Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Paten ts and Grants 1623-1666" (1934, Genealogical Publishing Company reprint 19 69), p. 94] . 

17 October 1640: James City Court: "Whereas Robert Sweat hath begotten with child a negro woman servant (not slave) belonging unto Lieutenant Sheppard, the court hath therefore ordered that the said negro woman shall be whipt at the whipping post and the said Sweat shall tomorrow in the forenoon do public penance for his offence at James City church in the time of divine service according to the laws of England in that case provided." [Virginia Council and General Court Records 1640-1641, in "Virginia Magazine of History" Vol. II, p. 281] This was a general law against fornication that applied to all members of the colony. 


1754 Governor Dobbs requested reports from the militia commanders of North Carolina’s counties. The Bladen militia submitted the following: “Col. Rutherford’s Regimt. of Foot in Bladen County 441, a Troop of horse 36... Drowning Creek on the Head of Little Peedee, 50 families, a mixt Crew, a lawless People, filleth the Lands without patent or paying quit rents. Shot a surveyor for coming to view vacant lands being inclosed in great swamps. Quakers to attend musters or pay as in the Northern Counties. Fines not high enough to oblige the militia to attend musters. No arms stores or Indians in the county.” [Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. V, p161 

A number of ethnologists, archeologists, historians, etc., have identified these 50 mixt families living on Drowning Creek as the ancestors of the Lumbee Indians. So who was living in Bladen County in 1754? The records show that these families who would later be called Lumbee, Melungeons, etc., were, in fact, living on Drowning Creek - Pee Dee River area in 1754. 

27 August 1753, John Johnson Jr. entered 100 acres in Bladen County, North Carolina on the north side of Pugh's marsh whereon John Oxendine was then living. (Bladen County Land Entries #805). In 1759 , he and two of his sons, John and Benjamin, lived in the Drowning Creek area of Bladen County, North Carolina which is the upper part of the Lumbee River area. The Oxendine, Ivey and Linegar are found on Newman's Ridge. 

Moses Bass was living near "the drains of Drowning Creek" on 1 February 1754 when Robert Carver entered 100 acres there [Philbeck, Bladen County Land Entries, nos. 677, 934] 

Thomas Ivey 300 acres on Drowning Creek where James Roberts formerly lived on 26 September 1755 [Philbeck, Bladen County Land Entries, nos. 974, 1048].

Robert Sweat was granted 100 acres on Wilkerson Swamp near the Little Pee Dee River on 23 Dec 1754. This land adjoined the land of Joshua Perkins and was sold toPhillip Chavis. 

Gilbert Sweat Case…21 Aug. 1829…St. Landry’s Parish LA… Testimony of Joshua Perkins – Gilbert Sweat was born about 1756 in what was then Marion Co. SC on the Pee Dee River. About the year 1777, Perkins helped Sweat run away with Frances Smith, the wife of J.B. Taylor. Sweat moved from SC to Tenn, to NC to Big Black River, Miss. And arrived in LA in 1804. 

31 Mar 1753 Grant: To Daniel Willis, 300 acres in Bladen County on Saddletree Swamp adjacent Thomas Ivey [Colony of NC 1735-1764 Abstracts of Land Patents, Margaret M. Hofman, Vol. 1, p10, grant #111]

17 November 1753 Bladen County land which had been surveyed for Gideon Gibsonin North Carolina on the north side of the Little Pee Dee River was mentioned in a Bladen County land entry [Philbeck, Land Entries: Bladen County, no. 904]. 

20 Feb 1754 Land Entry: Thomas Ivey enters 150 acres including his own improvements, on the 5 Mile Branch in Bladen County. [North Carolina Land Entries 1753-1756, A. B. Pruitt, Vol. 2, p127] (From BOB'S FILING CABINET) 

Fayetteville, North Carolina --- Dec. 2, 1845 -- Extreme Old Age -- A writer in the Highland Messenger says he had just visited Spencer Bolton, a resident of Buncombe county, who is now almost one hundred and ten years of age! He was born (1735) on Big Pee Dee River, in South Carolina, and is still sound in mind and body. He was in several skirmishes under Marion in the Rebolutionary war. Has been for 65 years a member of the Methodist Church. Health generally good. In early life, principal diet bread, rice, potatoes, and milk; slept on straw beds; generally up before day-light; and much accustomed to bathe in cold water. To the influence of these habits he ascribes his long life. Spencer Bolton is father of Solomon Bolton who was identified as a Portuguese/Melungeon in 1874 court case.

These are the families first found on Chippoakes Creek, as they spread out into the Carolinas, Kentucky, Tennessee etc.

John Graweere

    John Graweere or Geaween? Jack Goins These above names became important to me in my Goins and Melungeon research, especially after disco...