Monday, June 19, 2017

Mysteries Secrets & Lies


from WVLT in Knoxville Tennessee was posted this morning.  This is 
typical of the pieces being put out by television, magazines, books, 
speakers, etc., and it is plain ridiculous. 

 In 1848 a journalist from Kentucky, likely hearing of the illegal voting trial involving the 'Meluneons', went to Newman's Ridge.  There he stayed at the 'Inn' of Vardy Collins and wife Peggy Gibson.

This journalist called Vardy the 'chief cook and bottlewasher of the Melungeons' and it was no doubt Vardy and Peggy Collins who told him the "Legend of the Melungeons."

"The legend of their history, which they carefully preserve, is this. A great many years ago, these mountains were settled by a society of Portuguese Adventurers, men and women--who came from the long-shore parts of Virginia, that they might be freed from the restraints and drawbacks imposed on them by any form of government. These people made themselves friendly with the Indians and freed, as they were from every kind of social government, they uprooted all conventional forms of society and lived in a delightful Utopia of their own creation ....... These intermixed with the Indians, and subsequently their descendants (after the advances of the whites into this part of the state) with the negros and the whites, thus forming the present race of Melungens."
Ok so where is the SECRET?  Exactly what was it they were 'afraid to tell' the journalist?  Where was their "self-preservation" in 1848?  Why would they create this 'legend' if it were not true and exactly what secret could they be hiding? They said they were Portuguese adventurers who mixed with the Indians. It was no more dangerous to be an 'Indian' than it was to be African, both would have been enslaved or marched off to the reservation.  Just a few generations before this the Indians were capturing and cooking the pioneers.

They said they mixed with whites and BLACKS when they got to Tennessee! What was the SECRET, what were they hiding, what did they forget on purpose?
These people were hardy pioneers who had lived in the mountains, fought in the Revolution, fought off Indians, the tax man, etc.  They were probably forced off their lands in Louisa County in the 1740s and many of them came from the Indian trading families. Some were at Jamestown in early 1600s.  And people expect us to believe they were AFRAID to tell who they really were?

Hernando deSoto

J.G. Rhea to Martha Collins - 1918 
"Now about the Collins boys, I knew when I was a boy Navarrh, or as he was called, "Vardy" Collins was a fine old patriarch, said to be of Portuguese Nationality coming to this country with De Soto

How could it be that "we can't go back far enough" to validate the Portuguese mixed with the Indians when the deSoto journals are full of stories of the Portuguese [and Spanish and Genoans] mixing with the Indians?   "We can't go back far enough" to find how they got here? The deSoto journals tell exactly how they got here, how Andre de Vasconcelos  received a ship for his Portuguese sailors from deSoto.

"In the month of April, of the year 1538, the adelantado (deSoto) delivered the ships over to the captains who were to go in them. He took a new and good sailing ship for himself and gave one to Andre de Vasconcelos, in which the Portuguese went"   (Here)

The Portuguese definitely mixed with the Indians, just as Vardy Collins told the journalis in 1848.  From the de Soto Journals (Found Here)

  • They captured a hundred head, among Indian men and women. Of the latter, there, as well as in any other part where forays were made, the captain selected one or two for the governor and the others were divided among themselves and those who went with them.
  • As soon as the governor had crossed the stream, he found a village called Achese a short distance on. Although the Indians had never heard of Christians they plunged into a river. A few Indians, men and women, were seized,
  • At the time of his departure, because of the importunity of some who wished more than was proper, he asked the cacique for thirty Indian women as slaves.....The Indians gave the governor thirty Indian women and the necessary tamemes [for DeSoto's men to wed then populate his planned settlement at Mobile Bay].

And this piece wants us to believe they 'forgot on purpose' who they were when they told the journalist in 1848 exactly who they were, they didn't forget anything.

Fifteen years before deSoto there was Lucian deAyllon who brought 600 colonist and 100 slaves to Winyah Bah and the Pee Dee River, most researchers agree some of these people, including the slaves went off to live with the Indians along the Pee Dee River, only 150 people returned to Spain. (Early Contacts)

Twenty six years after deSoto Juan Pardo explored the same area of the Pee Dee River as deAyllon and deSoto.  There are many articles of Pardo's soldiers "indiscretions" with Indian women and at least two marriages between soldiers and the Indian women.

Is it really a leap to believe the Melungeons are descendants of these Portugese and Indian men and women?   To date the only court documented case of Melungeons was in Hamilton Co., Tennessee and it is reported and documented they were on the Pee Dee River in early 1700s.  (The Famous Melungeon Case)

They told this same story to Will Allen Dromgoole who published The Four Branches in 1890, The Gibson and Collins were Indians, the Goins were African and the Denham were Portuguese.  This is the exact "legend' told to the journalist 50 years before. (The Melungeon Tree and It's Four Branches)

Again in 1897  the legend was repeated to  Rev. C. H. Humble, in an article "A Visit to the Melungeons.
"The first settlers here were the great grand parents, Varday Collins, Shephard Gibson, and Charley Williams, who came from Virginia it is said, though other say from North Carolina. They have marked Indians resemblances in color, feature, hair, carriage, and disposition. 
The second settlers were from North Carolina; they were the Goans, Miners, and Bells; they were charged with having negro blood in them and, before the war, were prosecuted on this ground for illegal voting, but were acquitted. They explained their peculiarities by claiming a Portuguese origin. 
Later Came Jim Mullens, an Englishman, who married a Collins, and whose son John married Mehala Collins, to be referred to again. Jim Moore, a British sailor, also settled here, and married a daughter of old Charley Gibson,"  

Lacking the Portuguese Denham this is the same 'legend'  they told in Dromgoole- The Indians, Africans, Portuguese and English, just as they had told the journalist in 1848.

This is not one of those "theories of origin" - this is exactly who they said they were and where they came from. There is no SECRET there is no MYSTERY!
These myths that 'they said they were Portuguese to hide African ancestry is a joke. They told journalists every chance they got exactly who they were, they said they mixed with blacks in 1848 they were NOT covering up nothing!    The only mystery is why are these people in Vardy/Newman's Ridge allowing this so called mystery to carry on, promoting secrets and lies?  Yes, lies, because if they don't believe the 1848 Legend of the Melungeons, as told by Vardy Collins, or the history told to Dromgoole by Calloway Collins or Beatty Collins who gave the information to C.H. Humble then yes, they are reducing their ancestors to a bunch of deceitful, lying pioneers hiding their African ancestry!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Champ Gibson


Excerpt from The Heritage of Rockingham County North Carolina 1983 "There have been generations of people by the names of Goins, Hickmans, Kyles, Harris, Lyles, Richardson, Kimmons, Gibsons and a few other names. - These people have many features of Indian, Portuguese, and other nationalities." 

Thomas Gibson died in Henry County, Virginia in 1780, his will written on January 3rd it names his wife, Mary, and only one daughter, Cuzziah. Zackeriah King, Joel Gibson and Lambert Dotson were named as executors. Joel and Charles More along with Joseph Nicols were witness to the will. On March 23, 1780 it was probated and the records show; exhibited by Joel Gibson who gave bond with Lambeth Dodson and Champain Gibson as his securities. Further records shows On 22 June 1765, according to the Pittsylvania County patent book, Lambeth patented 400 acres on the main fork of Mayo River which he transferred to George Gibson on 19 September 1766. Lambeth entered 228 acres in Guilford County, North Carolina on 9 January 1779 (Rockingham formed from Guilford in 1785). It was surveyed 10 June 1779 by Joshua Smith, with William Kellam and Joel Gibson acting as chain carriers. The grant was issued 1 March 1780, 228 acres below and in the fork of Mayo River, beginning at a poplar on the south bank of the North Fork of Mayo in the Virginia line, adjoining Joel Gibson and Philip Angling, and including the improvements of Thomas Gibson and Esaw Dodson. On 9 July 1784, Lambeth Dodson of Henry County, Virginia sold 153 acres of this tract to Zachariah King of Guilford County, North Carolina. From Pittsylvania County Court Records - Applications to raise dams for grist mills is George Gibson on Crooked Creek dated June 1772. 


Champ Gibson was born in 1746 and married to Elizabeth, last name unknown, by 1774 when his daughter Jane was born. He is first found in records in Henry County when he appears on the record of Thomas Gibson's will in 1780. A deed on both sides of Hickory Creek on the Mayo River between Champ and Robert Means shows him in Rockingham County, North Carolina by 1786. Champ Gibson's 191 acres on Hickory Creek was divided among his ten sons and daughters in 1820. Champ Gibson was found in Halifax County in 1771 See Notes 

The children of Champ and Elizabeth Gibson 

(i) In 1823 Jemima Gibson living in Hawkins County gave power of attorney to Tyre Gibson of Hawkins County, Tennessee. Tyre Gibson may be the same man bailed out of the Lee County jail in 1822 and possibly a brother of Vardy's wife, 'Spanish Peggy Gibson? Was Jemima married to Tyre Gibson?

 (ii) Alexander Gibson married Charlotte Jinkins on February 11th 1820, lived in Rockingham 

(iii) James Possibly moved to Tennessee

(iv) Margaret married William Moore and resided in Rockingham County.

(v) Jane married Johnson Goin and remained in Rockingham also. Likely the source of many of the Goinstown Indians.

(vi) Fanny married Ansel Rogers by 1831 - Ansel and Fanny were living in Washington Co., Virginia (Rockingham Co., North Carolina Deed Book 2dC p 202 in 1832) 

(vii) Elizabeth married Randal Riddle moved to Hawkins Co., Tennessee (Rockingham Co. Deed Book 2dF p392) 

(viii) Chaney married James Harris (Rockingham Co., NC Deed Book 2dG p58 in 1836) 

(viiii) Pleasant Gibson served in the War of 1812 Lived in the Goinstown community on the Rockingham and Stokes County border until the 1850s and then moved over to what would become Quaker Gap Township in Stokes County. In 1826 he bought the rights of sister Chaney and her husband James Harris, 19 acres on Hickory Creek and in 1832 bought the 19 acres of his sister Fanny Rogers. 

(x) Stephen married Elizabeth Moore on February 25th 1816 and remainedin Rockingham County and received a pension for service during the War of 1812 


I am researching the family of Ansel Rogers and his wife, Fannie (or Frances) Gibson. Ansel was born about 1766, likely in Cumberland County, VA and was the son of Prudence Rogers. I would love to connect with anyone searching these lines! I have a fairly extensive set of data on them I'm more than willing to share.

He and mother Prudence moved to Campbell County, VA by 1780s where they bought land - near a Jenkins family. By 1810, Ansel is in Henry County, VA where he marries Frances GIBSON, the daughter of Champ GIBSON.

Ansel and his family are known as "free persons of color" or "mulatto" at least through 1870 census when some of his lines become "white". I can find court and military records for grandsons of his which call themselves "Portuguese".

Ansel and Frances were parents of the following (documented via grandson, James Ansel Rogers of Stone County, MO's failed application on the Guion Miller roll for recognition as a Cherokee). (note: although there is history of native american in many branches of the family, I have seen no connection to the actual Cherokee nation and with the source of the family
in Cumberland Co, VA in mid 1700s, I doubt that claim myself).

Children of Ansel and Frances Rogers:

- Prudence Rogers, b 1810; lived Washington County, VA/Sullivan Co,TN [WC,
VA or SC, TN]
- James Rogers (m. Rebecca SHAVER), b 1825; lived WC, VA and SC, TN
- Solomon Rogers ? not sure where he lived
- Nancy Rogers (WHO DID SHE MARRY??) likely born around 1820 and
supposedly lived in Lee County, VA
- Elizabeth Rogers b. about 1820 (married Martin SHAVER); lived in WC, VA
but he moved to Scott Co, VA after her death
- Julia Rogers; born around 1818 but not sure who she married
- Ruth Rogers; lived in SC, TN
- Lettie Rogers b. ca 1822 lived in WC, VA - one census record called her
occupation "fortune teller" (remained "colored" or "black" in census records
through death)
- Nathaniel B. Rogers b. 1818 - Lived at Louisville, KY (remained
"colored" in census until death)
- Spicey Rogers (married Squire SHAVER) was in SC, TN but then disappears.
Guion Miller application claims she was in "Big Sandy, OH" in 1906
- George W. Rogers b. 1826 lived at Lawrence Co, OH (remained "black" or
"indian" in census records until death) Note: although almost certainly the
son of Ansel, he was not mentioned in James Rogers' application.
(From Gary Burnette)

Subject: Riddle 
Message: Would be delighted to correspond further on any of these families. Elizabeth (Gibson) Riddle, widow of Randolph Riddle, moved from Rockingham Co., NC, to Hawkins Co., TN, in the mid-1840s, with her children; it's not clear whether Randolph died in NC or TN. (He was alive in 1842 when they sold their Rockingham Co. land together.) Elizabeth is listed in the 1850 census heading a large family; nearby is her sister, Chaney (Gibson) Harris, in the household of Chaney's son Cornelius Harris. Apparently they had gone to TN together. Why Hawkins? Chaney and Elizabeth already had an older sister, Jemima Gibson, who had been living there since at least 1822....
G.C. Waldrep III 

Lewis Goins was in Hawkins County 1850-55 had son John Lewis born 1855, they were from Goinstown, Rockingham County, NC., Lewis is probably a grandson of Jessee Going, Jessee believed to be related by marriage to John Riddle son of Moses and Mary Ridley, Riddle. Jesse Gowen paid f.50 to Thomas Crawley for land located on Daltons Creek and on the Stokes County line Oct 27, 1797 and on the same day John Riddle/Ridley paid Crawley f25 for land adjoining Jesse Gowen, Rockingham, NC deed book E, page 209. Most if not all of these
Rockingham County Riddles were children and or grandchildren of John Riddle, his son Randolph who married Elizabeth Gibson  later moved from Rockingham County to Hawkins County, Tn., Randolph Riddle's son James Austin Ridley married Nancy L. Going about 1839 in Rockingham County, NC. I regard John
Riddle a brother to William (Tory) Riddle and sons of Moses and Mary Ridley/Riddle of Orange County, NC and Henry County, Va.

According to John Ridley/Riddle's Pension application (S9069) Soldier was born near Flat River in NC, John Ridle and William Ridle are both recorded on the 1773 Montgomery County, Virginia tax list of John Montgomery, both John and William  took Oath of Allegiance in  Montgomery County in 1777.
John Riddle  moved from the Grayson County, Virginia area of Montgomery County shortly after the time of William Riddles capture on Riddle Knob and death, which was April 1781. John moved to Henry County and joined the Rev. Army in August 1781 and was at Yorktown at the surrender of Cornwallis. His
movements show a relationship with William Riddle even to the possibility that he was part of his gang on Riddle Knob.  Jack Goins

Lewis Goins was born around 1813 in Rockingham County, North Carolina and is likely the son of Johnson and Jane Gibson  Goins, grandson of Champ Gibson.  Around 1855 Lewis left Rockingham County and removed to Rogersville, Tennessee where his mothr's sisters, Elizabeth (Riddle) and Chaney (Harris) had moved some time before.

11 Dec 1895
Lewis Goins, an aged and well known citizen of our county, died at the residence of Harris Bell, on Cave Ridge near town, Tuesday night after an illness of about 6 weeks, aged 84 years. Until his last illness Mr. Goins had never been sick but two days before in all his life, and was an exceptionally well preserved man. He was very dark complected and claimed to be of Portugese stock. He was a member of the Baptist Church. The remains were interred at Cedar Grove near the River.   (Distant Crossroads, Volume 19, number 3, 2002) 

John Goins had land on Blackberry Creek, William King and Zachariah King also had land on Blackberry Creek.  Zachariah King was mentioned in the will of Thomas Gibson in 1780 along with Joel and Champ Gibson.  James is possibly the father of Johnson Goins who married to Champ Gibson's daughter about 1795.  These King, Gibson and Goins families are found in East Tennessee later.

Pleasant Gibson
Am searching for information on and/or descendants of Pleasant Gibson, s/o Champ & Elizabeth Gibson of Rockingham Co., b. c1783, served in War of 1812, lived in the Goinstown community on the Rockingham/Stokes line until the 1850s, when he moved over to what would become Quaker Gap Twp. in Stokes. Wife's name was Nancy--apparently no extant marriage bond. Known children: Leathy (c1825/28, unm.); Charlotte "Dolly" (c1819-92, m. William Belton); Jeremiah (b. c1820, m. Nancy Lybass); Delila (b. c1831/35, unm.); Robert (b. c1827/30, m. Catherine Cox); Annie (1837-1907, m. Patrick Farmer); and Abner (b. c1838, m. Martha Thrower, lived in Surry Co.).  (Bounty Land for War of 1812 mentioned in brother Stephens pension app jp)

By 1870 the Cornelius Harris and Obediah Riddle family moved  to Paoli, Orange County, Indiana.

21 Mar 1771 Road Order: George Combs appointed Surveyor of the Road leading from Boyd’s Road to Roberts’ Road...ordered that he, with male tithables belonging to Moses Hendrick, William Echols, Sr., John Anderson, Mead Anderson,
Shadrach Gowing, Harry Hereford, John Chapman, John Hood, Nipper Adams, William Donathan, Thomas Spencer, William Mays, Nathan Sullins, Charles Henderson, George Wood, George Stubblefield, Daniel Easely, Stephen Easely, Joshua Adams, Thomas Lovelace, Samuel Wilson, George Brown, Champ Gibson, and William Chandler, do forthwith lay open and
clear the said Road, and they then return to their former road. (Halifax County, VA, Court Orders, 7:80)

[Feb 1761 Deed: William Eckhols, Jr., and wife Rachel, to Moses Hendrick, all of Halifax County, for £19, 222 acres in Halifax County on Polecat Creek where said Moses now lives, adjoining Hugh Moore’s line–being a patent to Hugh Miller, who conveyed to said Eckhols... /s/ William Eckhols, Jr. Wit: Joseph Collins, William Marchbanks, Owen Brady. (Halifax County, VA, Deeds
3:32 ]

Joel Gibson on Buffallo Creek and Mayo - Champ Gibson on Hickory Creek and Mayo and Crooked Creek in upper right hand corner in Henry County is where George Gibson had land in 1772, probably from Lambert Dodson.

North Carolina Abstracts of State Grants

March 1, 1780 - Joel Gibson  282 acres on north side of Mayo join Philip Angelin

March 1, 1780 -  Lambeth Dodson    228 acres below and in fork of Mayo joining Virginia line  Both sides of S fork opposite land of Joel Gibson.

March 1, 1780 -  Champ Gibson 300 acres on both sides of Hicory Creek of Mayo River joining Alexander Lyell and both sides of (several) creeks.

March 1, 1780 - James Brison 400 acres on the south side of Mayo river joining the sd river below the Mouth of Buffaloe Creek, both sides of (several) branches, and both sides of the sd Creek Opposite (land) of Joel Gibson and Andrew Gibson.

In 2006 with Jack Goins, Penny Ferguson we visited Goinstown, met many interesting people, visited the cemeteries, Champ's land on Hickory Creek, etc.  

This letter was from 2006 when I came back, I forget from where I contacted Linda or where page 2 is, misfiled, I am sure. 

John Graweere

    John Graweere or Geaween? Jack Goins These above names became important to me in my Goins and Melungeon research, especially after disco...